Halloween Events 2013: Barbie Glamour and Ghouls by Toys R Us
What: Barbie Glamour and Ghouls by Toys R Us
October 26, 2013, Saturday (Toys R
Us Glorietta and Toys R Us Power Plant)
October 27, 2013, Sunday (Toys R Us
Robinson’s Galleria and Toys R Us Trinoma)
Where: Toys R Us Glorietta,
Toys R Us Power Plant, Toys R Us Robinson’s Galleria and Toys R Us Trinoma
Free for those who have a minimum
P500 single receipt transaction made from participating Toys R Us stores from
October 1 to 27.
Bewitching Hair Styling
Spooky Nail Art
Spooky Photo Wall
Enchanting Wall Mural
For more info:
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/toysrus.ph