Updates as of January 6, 2010

Today is also my dear mother in law’s birthday.
I am 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant now.
Here’s how we found out:
November 22, 2009- First Day of my Last Menstrual Period
Week of December 16, 2009- I’ve been experiencing early pregnancy symptoms but It was too early to test.
December 19, 2009- We have a night out with friends and due to the extreme pregnancy symptoms that I’ve been experiencing; I felt the need to do a test before deciding to order a cocktail that night.
I tested in the morning, while Ken was in the office. It came out positive but with just a thin purple test line. But it’s still a positive result.
December 21, 2009- I tested again and the purple test line is clearer.
December 22, 2009- Another test done, still positive
December 25, 2009- Announced it to the Javier Family as we are having our Annual Gift Giving Activity.
December 26, 2009- Final PT— very clear purple test line. Announced it to the Ansis Family. Kenny handed out my Having a Baby Belly Belt as a cue.
December 29, 2009- We went to see Dra Judith Galang- Perez and were overwhelmed with happiness as she congratulated us several times. She handed me out my freebies: a box of anmum, a first trimester guide and a mother’s book. We had lunch at Cyma in ATC to celebrate the confirmation of the good news.
I am now 6 weeks 3 days pregnant and had been suffering morning sickness for days, but I’m happy.
Ultrasound scheduled on Saturday, January 9, 2010.
Based on LMP, Due date is on August 27, 2010

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